Since 2008, I share my vigil on the web. To design information and communication in the future, it is necessary to think of innovation as a whole and the changes it induces in user behavior. So my vigil outside the scope of communication and marketing, to explore the innovation, new technologies, and the arts, where there is also food for thought. I study parallel the evolution of uses in today’s ICT field.

So you will find, among the subjects studied:

  • The evolution of pop. of online social networks
  • The traffic development of major websites
  • The evolution of mobile internet
  • The evolution of the smartphone
  • The evolution of information sharing between users
  • The evolution of the online advertising market
  • The opportunities linked to the “No Contact” (QR code, NFC, RFID)
  • Opportunities related to augmented reality
  • Advances related to Artificial Intelligence
  • Unidentified technological objects
  • Digital arts, arts integrating new technologies

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